Afternoon Pages: February 20th, 2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the D.C. metro region has been in a state of lockdown. To alleviate fear and stress, my writer's group has put together a daily "morning pages" get-together on Zoom in order to touch base before starting the day. Here's some of my brief thoughts.

Hey look the roles are reversed!

Also such a patient pupper.

So this is a funny snippet from the acquittal of our beloved POTUS45. One U.S. senator from his party voted to convict him and his state party is not happy. This is a correction the New York Times had to make in this article:


Wanted to make sure that I for one think not convicting people who have commited crimes because they're popular is not a good idea. But we'll see in four years.

I'm taking three days off of work. I think it'll be useful in order to have that time to pack up my things + index them, clean the apartment + repair any damage, file my taxes, and oh yeah have a little bit of fun because this will technically have been the first couple days off I've had in more than a year (before it was sabbatical and trying to find a job or a mental wellness day I took after the insurrection).

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do. Just that it should be pretty balls-to-the-wall awesomeeeee.