Morning Pages: March 19th, 2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the D.C. metro region has been in a state of lockdown. To alleviate fear and stress, my writer's group has put together a daily "morning pages" get-together on Zoom in order to touch base before starting the day. Here's some of my brief thoughts.

I have so many cute pictures and videos, I've been stockpiling them for this day. Alright here we go.

A wee wiggly potato!!

A wee potato sleeping!!


A golden boi with boop snoot!


A chickadee who loves shiny keys!


And a pupper and a butterfly!

Aren't these the best gems you've seen all week?

Not sure if I've mentioned this anywhere, but I keep copying and pasting Now that redirects to

Also I think this is the first time I've posted since the mass killing in Atlanta. Honestly I feel burned out still from 2020 and well (gestures around vaguely) so I just did a number of things. First donated $100 to Stop AAPI Hate (which was matched by my manager and my CEO, in addition to the company, which was phenomenal), spoke out on LinkedIn, and complained about a mildly racist ham radio group to the Arlington County Board since I'm doing CERT training (finally!) and CERT might be working with them. Also need to increase donations to the ACLU from $15 / mo. to $100 / mo. I think I'll increase my donations to the ACLU each time there's a mass killing I care about (there's just honestly so many I feel like I have to add that filter). I think my upper limit is $2000 / mo, though honestly if we get up to that number it might be high time to consider my options and leaving the country lol.

Also I'm closing on my apartment today! That should be pretty cool.