My first post
print "Hello World!"
This is my first blog post on my new handcrafted blog.
I thought about going with a static website generator such as Hugo or Jekyll, but after using them in the past I never felt like I had true ownership of what I could or could not do. Hand-crafting a single-page application was better because I knew each and every part of my stack, and I could swap out dependencies more easily.
Current capabilities (4-5-2017):
- Support for:
- Markdown!! (via markdown-it)
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks (via markdown-it-prism)
- Images (via file-loader and webpack)
- File upload and fetching (via axios)
- Basic routing (via react-router)
Remaining TODOs:
- Add in working support (no console errors) for:
- UML diagrams or equivalent via markdown-it-mermaid or js-sequence-diagrams
- TeX support w/ KaTeX via markdown-it-katex
- Disqus comment forums or equivalent
- Google Analytics integrations and SEO optimization
- Generate easily usable deployment pipeline with npm or bash scripts
- YAML or TOML base configs to go with each markdown blog post, because having metadata to organize by is nice at any meaningful scale
- Webpack code splitting with
- Fully responsive and mobile-friendly navbar with hamburger icon
- In-browser real-time markdown editor for editing and generating new blog posts
- Serverless authentication (not sure if it's an oxymoron)
- Linting. So much linting.
I'll write a brief architectural overview of this application after getting it deployed. Excited to see where this goes.