Morning Pages: January 15th, 2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the D.C. metro region has been in a state of lockdown. To alleviate fear and stress, my writer's group has put together a daily "morning pages" get-together on Zoom in order to touch base before starting the day. Here's some of my brief thoughts.

No cute picture today.

There's 21,000 troops in Washington D.C. for the inauguration and the entire city is locked down with military and police requesting I.Ds in order to get in and out of the city. And I'm sitting here wondering whether 21,000 troops are enough. My thought process being, I want 50,000 troops because if 20,000 troops defect then there's another 30,000 troops to secure the capital against defectors and far-right extremists. But maybe that's just my paranoid side, if you take the Capitol mob from last week (I think around 4-5k people) and the current security presence here, there's a 4:1 advantage for the defense, which should be good because you should really have a 3:1 advantage for the side that needs to storm an objective in order to have a chance at winning.


I dreamt a lot about food yesterday. Particularly meat. I dreamt that I got a Costco membership for $60, and while shopping at Costco, the meat freezer failed, so I promptly went over to where they had to toss the meat, and offered to buy a freezer-ful of lamb chops and USDA Prime steaks for $3. They refused and offered $15, which I took because in my dream apparently it all cost $100 (it certainly costs more, not sure why subconscious Ying doesn't account for inflation). Then I bought a $100 table which is good quality because Costco, and a $1.50 hot dog from the food cart.

I think it might be because I just ate rice and boiled spinach for dinner yesterday and was looking at getting some fried chicken or McDonald's to complement that (but resisted the temptation), and I guess the cravings turned to my subconscious in order to dream of imaginary food instead.

Maybe I should get something for breakfast.