Evening Pages: April 5th, 2021
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the D.C. metro region has been in a state of lockdown. To alleviate fear and stress, my writer's group has put together a daily "morning pages" get-together on Zoom in order to touch base before starting the day. Here's some of my brief thoughts.
Look at this precious, precious lil' baby!
He's singing the song of his people.
So we're starting Q2 of the writer's salon, and as I reflect back on this quarter, I guess I just feel a little empty, like the gas tank is a bit empty. I had planned to finish my app, and to chronicle the progress of that. But instead I had one and a half blog posts (?), and the latter one got flagged. So. Yeah.
Instead, I went ahead and purchased a condo. I also signed up for Arlington CERT, which is honestly a bit mind-numbing (government programs amirite) but hopefully will be rewarding when meeting people face-to-face in October. So I did stuff, just maybe not the stuff I had planned.
I also don't think I did a whole lot of reading recently. Instead, I watched a good number of movies or TV shows, which is a bit more on the brain-draining side of things. I'm 26. I need to develop good habits before it becomes set in stone.
At the same time though, I feel like I have some flexibility in changing my own habits. There's the writer's group. There's work, which has been phenomenally supportive. There's therapy, and there's my church group, and there's a circle of friends that I kind of hang out with at times. So I'm not terribly alone. I think I just need to keep busy.
This quarter, I committed to trying to be healthier (which I think will pay off dividends in terms of how much energy I have in the evenings), and to write regularly. Hopefully I don't slip those goals.