TV Show Review: "The Crown" Season 1, by Peter Morgan

So I decided to watch a TV show on Netflix because I have Netflix now, and I chose to watch "The Crown" because I can't find anything else good on Netflix's search. I've heard good reviews of this show, and even though it's not finished (and could end very, very badly and which is why I'm reviewing season by season), I'd like to try and start watching a show where I don't know the ending.

So this season chronicles Elizabeth's rise to power (or really being chucked into the big chair) and also describes the empire's process of self-dismantlement (otherwise known as decolonization). The whole suddenness of King George VI's death defines this season, since Elizabeth's status as Queen, her relationship with Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) and the strains from him playing a distinct second fiddle, and Churchill's eventful (but not as eventful) second term as prime minister all revolve around the Queen and getting her ready to stand by herself.

It's hard to believe, but the British Empire's greatest extent happened after World War I. So all of decolonization (besides successful breakaway states like the U.S.) happened pretty much during the 20th century, which is basically half ruled by the Queen (and this Queen specifically). So it's kind of interesting to see all the anxiety up front: "don't screw this up", when you realize what's going to happen.