Evening Pages: June 14th, 2021

The coronavirus pandemic is pretty much over for me, but the Morning Poppins group is still going strong (I think). So here's some of my brief thoughts.

Oh man. A month's worth of cute pictures and cute videos. Here's 4!!


Look at the baby!! He (or she) made a bouquet of flowers!

This baby loveeessss magic!

These babies are crawling all over mom!

And this little guy likes to twist and squeak!

There's been some changes since the last time I wrote here. I did manage to attend a software conference, kind of. I'm going to personal training now, because I'm fat and I'm finally doing something about it. I cleaned my apartment top to bottom for the first time in a long time. And I got two bookshelves in order to put all my books and stuff on!

Life's not bad. Work is still pretty great, and now I have some folks in order to help me out with certain things. I did schedule a trip to Dallas in middle of October to go see a close friend, so that's pretty cool. And I think I'm going to try and do more things this year. Travel and live a little on the side.

I think today, I'm feeling kind of stress. I went on a date on Sunday and honestly the person just stressed me out completely. It's a bit hard to trace my nutrition and ensuring it's in a healthy range. Nothing that I didn't know; my personal trainer mentioned that nutrition was the hardest part. I still have a pretty not-great relationship with food that I need to correct. And I still feel a little trapped because I don't have a car. All tractable problems to an extent. So yeah, that's what's up right now.

I'm seeing whether I can write a little bit more, and maybe get back into reading. I'm still watching too much YouTube.