Weekly Updates
I think I'm going to start jotting down weekly updates. My personal progress isn't where I want it to be, and maybe publishing every weekend on three to five things I did that week to make myself better would be helpful in keeping track of my progress throughout the year.
I'm thinking:
One reading-related (book reviews)
How many days I meditated (according to Calm)
How many days I exercised (according to Sworkit/agenda)
How productive I was (according to Timing)
(If applicable) one fitness-related
(If applicable) one coding-related
Out of all the motivational shticks I've seen, one has stuck with me:
$$ 1.01^365 = 37.78 $$
$$ 0.99^365 = 0.03 $$
I want that 1%.
Also, this is my one year anniversary on this blog. This was my first post. Damn.
(Correction on 2018/04/06): A prior version of this post had zeroes as results for the above equations. These have been corrected.